Friday, September 26, 2014

Endelave/Denmark - 07/30/2014

From Tunø to Endelave, distance 14 NM, weather partly cloudy, 25°C, water temperature 21°C, wind first 0-1, later 2-3 Beaufort from northwest. After a short trip we reach Endelave today. We have been her in 2011 and again we are fond of this island north of Funen in the southwest Kattegat. It...

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Tunø/Denmark - 07/29/2014

From Langør to Tunø/Denmark, distance 12 NM, weather sunny, 30°C, water temperature 24°C, wind 2-3 Beaufort After we recovered from last night's alarm, we make a short trip over to the island Tunø. Here we spend a happy day, taking a nice walk to the village and climb the only lighthouse...

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Langør/Samsø Denmark - 07/18/2014

From Grenaa to Langør/Samsø, distance 27,7 NM, weather partly cloudy, 25°C, wind northeast 2-3 Beaufort. It is not like the end of our wonderful summer vacation is coming but a second journey starts today. We clean up Madita from outside and inside and fill up fuel and water before setting...

Monday, September 8, 2014

Grenaa/Denmark - 07/27/2014

From Anholt to Grenaa, distance 27NM, weather sunny 30°C, water temperature 23°C, wind south 2-3 Beaufort. It is an extremely hot day again and we think about making a second harbor day on Anholt, in a way to give the children again the chance to play with other kids. But later this afternoon...

Anholt/Denmark - 07/25/2014

From Donsö/Sweden to Anholt/Denmark, distance 55 NM, weather sunny, 33°C, water temperature 23°C, wind northwest 2-3 Beaufort. Magdalena helps me today making a trip to the nearby ICA supermarket; afterwards we have to take a shower again.... On early afternoon we are on our way, leaving Sweden behind...