Not much to say about these... I simply love spring flowers a lot!
Except for the daffodils those are not out in the garden yet, but I couldn't resist to buy some from the market garden.
Chess Flower (Fritillaria meleagris...
One of our little science projects with the children was to build a closed ecological system, which means that once it is set up, nothing goes in or out.
We took sand, some water plants and one (!) water snail, put all in a glass jar and closed the lid safely. We placed it on the window sill for enough...
The other day we got some new liquid tempra colors and I gave the children some time to try them out and play around with them.
Here is the result so far:
Here we tried to start working with patterns a bit Paul Klee like....I guess it is just a beginning and we will continue working with this method some time.
The children first draw lines pencil to divide a sheet of watercolor paper.
Afterwards the colored the different segments with...
Here we made a little experiment:
The children put some watercolors they chose loosely on sheets of simple white drawing paper.
After it dried they searched for figures in it and marked them with a fine black waterproof marker.
I give you two examples out of a whole bunch of paintin...
Yesterday Madita's winter break ended.....
She is back in her element and we are eagerly hoping, that Eastern will bring good winds and weather for the transfer to Sonderborg/Denmark....
While we stayed in South Tyrol we took the chance and drove to Venice and spent the day there....
It was the fulfillment of two dreams: To come back here one day (Wolfgang and me have been here in 2003 as a later honeymoon and simply loved this place) and to show this special beauty...
It was a long trip south by car. The landscape changed and suddenly the mountain rang Alps lay in front of us. For the children the first time to see Europe's highest mountains and for us as well a compelling sight.
We stayed in South Tyrol's capital city Bozen and enjoyed the, at this time of the...
Lucky us, we had a full week vacation during spring break last week...and we went ....surprise surprise....not to the north as usually, but to the south...
Our final destination was South Tyrol/Italy, but we took a break in Koblenz for one day and visited Wolfgang's family.
Since we stayed only...