Friday, October 31, 2014

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

København/Denmark - waterside

There are different ways to approach a foreign city. To me it is very special to explore from the waterside. Here are some pictures of the danish capital, which we like very much, because life is very much connected to the sea and being on the water. ...

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Finland Fall 2014

This autumn break we took the chance for a little trip to the...... no not South.... we felt we had way enough sun and warmth this summer in the North..... The decision to travel to Finland was manifold: Finland is the only scandinavian country we haven't been to, yet. Finlines seems to be the only...

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Madita hibernating ;-)

Two weeks ago Madita got ready for the winter.... Wolfgang chose a new place for her hibernation in Kiel/Germany and so far we are happy with this choice. The whole movement was professional and careful. Now the work on her can begin ;-) ...

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Saturday, October 4, 2014


Around the corner of our street many Ginko trees are planted. One of the joys in autumn is to collect fallen leaves and Ginko's last longest before the color fades and the material becomes too dry. Ginko - 2014 - Green Soapstone - 13x9x6cm - $150 at Saatchi Onli...

Imbued by travel VI

I always enjoy the evening strolls along the shore, coming from Sonderborg Lystbådehavn harbor going towards the Sonderborg castle. On the way are a lot of trees standing narrow and mysterious. I sometimes wonder if little ghost are living in their tops... Sonderborg - 2014 -Acrylic on Canvas...


A month ago you can already feel fall standing in front of the door. One foggy sunday morning we were going back from Glücksburg/Germany to Sonderborg..... ...

Friday, October 3, 2014

Sonderborg/Denmark - 08/03/2014

We are back in Sonderborg, the vacation is ending. Although sad, that the time went by so fast, we are more than happy about this great journey. Madita ran 613.1 NM. We passed the 59° of latitude and reached Norway.  We saw wonderful landscapes and beautiful nature  and met some...

Aarøsund/Denmark - 08/02/2014

From Middelfart/Funen to Aarøsund/Jytland Denmark, distance 22.1 NM, weather partly cloudy, 23°C, wind turning from west to east 4-5 Beaufort. We have a good sailing day and we see the lovely porpoise several times. But still the mood is a bit down since we are coming to an end of our journe...

Middelfart/Funen Denmark - 08/01/2014

For today we stay in Middelfart and take a 15km hike along the shore. We pass the castle of Middelfart which is private property but people are aloud to walk through the park. A little house can be found there, in which assumedly H.C. Andersen has written "The little mermaid". The path leads...

Middelfart/Funen Denmark - 07/31/2014

From Endelave to Middelfart-Lystbådehavn/Funen Denmark, distance 35 NM, weather cloudy, 22°C, water temperatur 21°C, wind southwest 5 Beaufort. It is a rough ride today. The wind is coming more from the front than the side. A gust of about 30 knots hits Madita hard and she bents 70° to the side, which...