Friday, April 24, 2015

Children Craft's: Nature prints

Once I saw this technique of printing nature structures in clay on Jean Van't Hul inspiring website The Artful Parent I know we have to try that out ourselves.

It was a fun project from the very beginning :-)
First we went for a walk in the neighborhood and collected plants we assumed to be suitable.

We used air drying  clay instead of sculpey, which worked perfect.

We first formed clay balls, put them on top of one leave or flower and pressed down with even pressure. Before lifting the pieces, we tried to smoothen the rims with a wet finger.

The result was so amazing, because even tiny details can be seen in the clay print. Some pollen stick to the clay giving some color to it, what is fine with us.
Some leaves appear dirtier than we realized before, but we simply washed them and tried again.

After the clay parts were dried, the children mounted them on a black wood panel.
I wrote the names under each piece using silver permanent marker to give it kind of a scientific outlook ;-)

It was so much fun we already think of what to print next....may be shells would work nicely as well.....we will keep you informed :-)

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