Sunday, May 31, 2015

Nørre Skov/Als Denmark - 05/30/2015

This weekend it was way too windy to go for a one and a half day sailing trip. We stayed in Sonderborg and spend a beautiful day at the stone beach of Nørre Skov at the Northeast of Als. This beach is like paradise to a stone lover like me :-)) And even more, there were lots of fossils to be picked...

Always awesome again and again......

I know we already have a whole collection of pictures showing all different kinds of rainbows..... But still, it always makes us happy again to see one.....This one appeared two days ago in Sonderborg at the harbor... ...

Dyvig Bay - 05/25/2015 - Rocna rocks :-))

The plan was to go from Kalvø/Denmark to Mjelsvig/Als Denmark.....but when arriving in the Dyvig Bay we saw some boats anchoring there.... Immediately the children wished that we try our new Rocna anchor as well ;-) Said and done..... It was unbelievable....Wolfgang let the anchor drop, it grabbed and...

Kalvø/Denmark - 05/24/2015

The other Saturday we went to Kalvø/Denmark, a little half-island in the Genner Bay we like a lot. The wind came from the front the whole time and we had to to tack the whole time, but it was nice sailing anyway and we enjoyed the fresh air, the sunlight, the sea and being in nature again :-) Actually...

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Children's Crafts: Little builder

We tidied up all the different storage spaces on Madita and found a box with little teakwood plugs, you usually use to close no longer needed drill holes in the wood of the ship. The children had fun with them a whole long evening :-) ...

Barn Swallow :-)

A few weeks ago we saw a documentary about deserts... After realizing what kind of a journey across the Sahara these little birds undergo every year, we even more appreciate their acrobatic flights and singing in the harbors.... ...

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Langballigau/Germany - 05/152015

Heavy winds were predicted for the weekend. Before going back to Sonderborg, we only could stay in a harbor at the Flensburg fjord, to be back before the storm started. Langballigau is a very nice lively harbor, with lots of local sailors and fishermen, a very nice restaurant "Anna und Mee(h)r" (which...

Avernakø/Denmark - 05/14/2015

After the wind calmed down, we set sails and visited the very beautiful island Avernakø. We have been here last year in spring as well and liked it a lot. In the afternoon I took a very long walk at the beach with Hugo for collecting fossils, since last year I was very lucky at this spot. And indeed...

Aerosköbing/Aerø Denmark - 05/12-13/2015

Since stormy weather was predicted for Wednesday, we had to take a harbor day. We decided for Aerosköbing, because we knew what we would get: A lovely town, and very decent playground, a nice beach for long walks, a well sorted supermarket and comfortable showers..... We had very much time for...

Lyø/Denmark - 05/11/2015

We love the little island Lyø close to Farborg. It is calm and pure nature and the light is very special there. This time  we arrived later that afternoon, therefore we only took an evening walk along the beach.... ...

Dyvig/Als Denmark - 05/10/2015

Last week the children had one week May-break at school and we took the chance to make a little trip in the South Funen Archipelago. Since it was still rather cold, we made short crossings from one small harbor to the next. We started visiting Dyvig/Als. We have been there several times before and each...

Friday, May 8, 2015

Children's Art: Salt and Watercolor

I couldn't resist to get some "real" liquid watercolors....and I am very happy with them :-) We tried them out for the first time this afternoon and of course it had to be the the real exciting stuff once I found on Meri Cherry's site :-) We poured white glue lines on paper with many crossing...

Columbine (Aquilegia)

Columbine (Aquilegia) is native to the Northern Hemisphere and belongs to the Ranunculaceae family. The genus consists of 60-70 species. First Aquilegia species appeared about 6 million years ago. The plant spread only once to North America when in the Pliocene 5-3 million years ago...

Children's Art: Color sorting

After we did the paint mixing and hue sorting on Monday, Friedrich decided it is about time to bring his colored pencils in a proper order as well :-) I wish it would be always that easy to make them understand how nice it is to tidy up everything in their rooms ;-) ...

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Black Ladybug

This black ladybug is only native to Europe and lives on very dry heathland (and our garden apparently ;-))  and is a category II, very endangered species. ...

Children's Art: Color mixing

Yesterday in my little children painting group we tried out color mixing. I thought it a good idea for every child to know the basic principles of colors, how they belong to each other and react with each other. We used acrylic paint this time. First every child received the three primary...

Children's Art: Playing with liquid watercolors

In the internet I found a lot of projects using liquid water colors. I guess these are not that common in Germany and actually it is kind of difficult to find affordable ones here. But since I wanted to try them out, I decided for an easy first step, making them by myself diluting cheap watercolor ...

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Children's crafts: We dyed some T-shirts

For a couple of years I had some batik colors waiting in the drawer for their time to be used....the time came last week.... I recalled that I once dyed a T-shirt when I was at school in handicrafts lesson and I wanted to show that to the children. Each child received one white T-shirt. They laid it...

We built a hygrometer :-)

Friedrich wanted a tell the truth he wanted one for his violin case like his teacher has.....the next best thing is to have one in the garden..... I found a construction plan in the internet and we gave it a try... First we put some cardboard in contact paper to make it water resistent. Next...

Friday, May 1, 2015

Friedrich's new project

Friedrich and I spent some time in garden yesterday. I asked him for a change not to fill the sandbox till the upper edge with water like he did all the other days and he soon came up with a new project: He dug out all the tree saplings he could find in our garden and put them into plant pots to open...