Monday, November 30, 2015

Oscarsborg/Norway - 08/07/2015

This day was a complete traveling day. We started with rain in Lindholmen going for the Oslo Fjord today. (There was some nasty side story, when we lost our brand-new dinghy with motor, because someone forget to fix the rope of it after getting the back-anchor inside.....but that was...

Lindholmen/Norway - 08/06/2015

The  same day we went on heading to the North. Because of the main wind directions, our timeline and the fact that we had be back home in time, we decided to rather visit Oslo than Bergen. Although we were a bit disappointed not to reach our previous goal, later it turned out, that it...

Gaso-Kalven/Norway - 08/06/2015

At this morning we made a very short trip to the next small island, Gaso-Kalven, which was formerly used for military purposes. Since we were rather late in season, we were completely alone there, enjoyed the peace and discovered how nature gains back the territory. ...

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Gaso/Norway - 08/05/2015

There are no pictures of us crossing the Skagerrak in order to reach Norway.....It was a really rough trip with wind 5-6 Beaufort, sometimes 7 and waves going 3-4 meters high. Everybody on board felt awful and we kind of wondered whether Norway will be that much more beautiful than where we have...

Havstensundet/Sweden - 08/04/2015

We had a very calm trip with an amazingly clam Skagerrak. Last year when we made this passage it was rather rough and we were impressed by the waves splashing the rocks in the water. The reason to go for Havstensund was to get water and diesel, both we though would be easy to get here. Fuel was no...