Monday, May 30, 2016

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Araceae (Aronstab)

This plant was found by us in the forest of Dyreborg/Denmark. It is a monocotyledons flowering plant belonging to a family of more than 3000 species. It can be found in New world's tropical areas and in temperated northern parts of the old world as well.  Some species are toxic, causing symptoms...

Friday, May 27, 2016


We found this Gunnera in a nature reserve close to Dyvig/Denmark, but in the meanwhile I have learned that it is not native to Europe and most likely escaped from a nearby garden. Actually it is native to  Latin America, Australia, New Zealand, Papuasia, Hawaii, insular...


At the Genner Bay we found this abandoned vehicle....poor thing...It is a sad one, thinking that at one point it was the pride of it's builder and owner and now.... ...

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Dyvig Harbor/Denmark - 05/20/2016

Our last stop on this journey before going back to Sonderborg was in the Dyvig Harbor. What else to say, but that it is one of our favorite places with beautiful landscape surrounding, very decent harbor facilities and very friendly people :-) ...

Genner Bay/Denmark - 05/18-19/2016

After having been in harbors for the last couple of days we wished to anchor again to enjoy the even more peaceful time surrounded fully by nature. Last year we explored a nice bay vis a vis from the harbor Kalvo by dinghy and thought that it must be a wonderful place to stay. Since the wind of the...

Dyreborg/Denmark - 05/17/2016

The day after our haborday on Avernako, it was still very windy. Therefore we made it a really short trip of 2.5 NM and drove to Dryeborg on the island Fyn close to Faaborg. We never have been here before and we were really pleased to find after a very tight entrance a very decent quiet and peaceful...

Avernako/Denmark - 05/15-16/2016

The second day of our May-journey was rather rough with all four seasons at one day. But when we arrived on Avernako/Denmark it became less rainy. The next day we stayed on Avernako because of the strong wind which was bowing with up to 30 knots (Beaufort 7). But it was not rainy that day and we had...

Dyvig Bay/Denmark - 05/14/2016

Our first longer sailing journey this year started with anchoring at the Dyvig Bay opposite of the Dyvig Yachting Harbor. It was rainy and rather cold, but still wonderful to be out again :-) ...

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Marstal Seafaring Museum

At the first  view from outside one might consider the Marstal Seafaring Museum as tiny, but inside you find a very brought and most delicate collection of exhibits from a brought variety of paintings, photos, historic equipment, shipbuilders tools, town life, simulation of a cargo ship's...

Marstal/Aero Denmark - 05/06/2016

After a wonderful day of sailing at Beaufort 4 with about 6 knots we reached Marstal on the danish island Aero at late afternoon. Marstal was once the leading centre of shipbuilding in the whole Baltic Sea area. But times changed and in 1951 the last ship was built here. At the dockyard only maintaining...

New-age fossil ;-)

Although the beach of Heiligenhafen is known to have a lot of fossils, which came with the ice age glacier detrital, we only found some keepsake of newer times ;-) ...

Ortmühle/Germany - 05/05/2016

Last Thursday on Ascension Day and the days after we had the chance to bring Frida finally to her new home in Sonderborg/Denmark. :-) On the first day we reached Ortmühle (Heiligenhafen)/Germany. The weather was absolutely beautiful although with 1-2 Beaufort wind it could have been a bit more...

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Friday, May 6, 2016

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Monday, May 2, 2016

My very first Orchidee

This weekend I received my very first Orchidee. I am kind of excited about this interesting epiphytic plant and it will be interesting to learn more about this special kind of plants :-) ...