From Grenaa/Denmark to Hals/Denmark, distance 43 NM, weather: sunny, 25°C, wind Baufort 3-4 NE, watertemperatur 20°C
Our summer vacation starts and we are leaving Grenaa/Denmark under good conditions: Madita is packed as if we plan to do 3-4 circumnavigations and the sun is shining.. Since we want to reach Oslo, the plan is to travel far and quickly north within the first 3-5 days and then slowly take the way back. Also that would allow us to enter Norway directly without seeing another vet for Hugo, who needs to arrive in Norway five days after being treated against Echinococcus multilocularis, which he was just before we left Germany.
So far so good....although the wind is not too heavy, we find short and irregular waves and all five of us are getting more or less seasick.... It disappears after the children and me emptied our stomachs and filled them with fresh food and the second half of the journey becomes much easier.
Anyway, the sun is burning down on us and at the end of the day we all feel, that we had enough waves and enough sun and stop for the night at Hals/Denmark at the north side of the east entrance into the Limfjord.
Hals is a lively summer village and the atmosphere in the harbor is cheerful and friendly. The view of the Limfjord let new ideas for future travels arise in us..
Since we feel quite tiered we only take a short walk through the harbor area and then call it a day.

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