Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Alster Sailing

Being back in Hamburg the children sailed the Alster for a change and I had some couple of hours to enjoy the Alsterpark :-) ...

The Ending....

The ending of our summer vacation 2016 was not that spectacular....We anchored that night at the island Avernako/Denmark but felt very exhausted after another windy day, so we slept early and left the next day for Sonderborg, where we safely arrived on 08/13/2016. It was a wonderful journey and we were...

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Harbolle/Denmark - 08/09/2016

Well, it was another day with lots of uncomfortable strong wind.....We were happy in the evening to reach the slightly calmer Groensund. For the night we stayed in Harbolle which is kind of a suburb of Vardingborg. ...

Rodvig/Denmark - 08/08/2016

It was a tedious way to Rodvig. It was still very windy with 7 Beaufort and the wind was still coming from South-Southwest. We were just happy when we crossed the Kobe-Bay, saw the limestone cliffs of Stevens Klint and finally reached the harbor. The village Rodvig is more or less a suburban...

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Fisher cabins

I like the atmosphere around these fisher cabins, which can be found in many places along the Scandinavian coast. These are workplaces of relaxed confidence. It is not for making a show or attracting tourist, it is just they way people live and work at the sea....

Wooden toys

When we visited Dragor/Denmark last summer I found these very nicely designed wooden animals in a shop window. I am not quite sure whether they really would be good as toys...unfortunately the shop was closed, so I could not figure out who made them. I like especially the Scandinavian design of clear...

Dragor/Denmark - 08/07/2016

The weather wasn't really that bad the other day, but it was actually awfully windy....and the wind came directly from the front....well we decided to go by engine this time, but still it was rough and the waves were shaking us....maybe it would have been easier to tack....anyway we made it to Dragor...

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Paperwork I-7

Paperwork I-7 - White Watercolor Paper (100% Cotton, 295g/qm) - 2016 - about 13x13x10cm The pictures show the same object from different angles. ...

Paperwork I-6

Paperwork I-6 - White Transparent Paper (31g/qm) - 2016 - about 13x14x13cm The pictures show the same object from different angles. ...

Paperwork I-5

Paperwork I-5 - White Sumi-E Paper (80g/qm) - 2016 - about 11x10x9cm The pictures show the same object from different angles. ...

Paperwork I-4

Paperwork I-4 - White Jun Chu Shi Paper (31g/qm) - 2016 - about 8x11x8cm The pictures show the same object from different angles. ...

Paperwork I-3

Paperwork I-3 - Mould-made Ingres Paper (100g/qm) - 2016 - about 11x10x11cm The pictures show the same object from different angles. ...

Paperwork I-2

Paperwork I-2 - White Recycling Paper (160g/qm) - 2016 - about 11 x 13 x 11cm The pictures show the same object from different angles. ...

Paperwork I-1

I am giving my work a new direction, exploring the beauty of simplicity.  What happen to a simple object like a flat piece of paper, when fortuitously altered? In addition I simply love all the foldings and creases and how they are affected by light and shadow... These pictures show the same object...

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Young Swallow

This lovely young swallow made her very first flight out of the nest directly on Frida. Her parents seem to be rather worried, but she sat there for quite a while before she dared to spread her wings again. Real cutie! ...

Louisiana Museum of Modern Art / Denmark - 08/06/2016

The Louisiana Museum of Modern Art is on of the best museums I ever visited! First it is a the very distinct architecture of the building, the exhibitions are very broad and cover a whole lot of Modern Art History and the whole museum is surrounded by a lovely park, where as well artifacts can be seen....

Humlebaek/Denmark - 08/06/2016

The very next harbor to Helsingor is Humlebaek, just about 30 minutes drive...When we had to leave Helsingor because there was no free space for us, we very lucky, that the harbor master of Humlebaek just awaited and led us to an open place at the inner harbor side. Humlebaek is a very decent harbor,...

Helsingor/Denmark - 08/05/2016

The weather forecast predicted heavy storm from west at the Kattegat for at least the next week.....we either made it that day to the Öresund or we would have sticked to the West Swedish coast until the storm is over. In that case we would have hardly made it to Sonderborg. So not much choices... It...