Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Weather Station

I guess every child is more or less fascinated by the weather and how to predict it.
Last weekend we took the chance to set up our own little weather station.

First we built a barometer to see changes in air pressure.
We tautened the wider part of a balloon over an empty jar. On this membrane we fixed a straw with a pice of tape.
We then positioned this barometer infant of a little wall on our terrace where we fixed a laminated white pice of paper. The straw has to point directly on this paper. To make sure, that the jar is not shifting we fixed it with an power strip.
The position of the straw is marked on the paper with a permanent marker. Overtime the air pressure rises, the straw will went up since the membrane is impressed. When the air pressure get lower than the pressure inside the jar, the membrane will vault and the straw will went down.
So far so good, now we only have to observe carefully and see whether we can bring the changing of the straw position in connection with actual weather changes.

The second thing we built was a rain measuring instrument.
We used a second empty jar and fixed a scale from 1 - 10 centimeter on the outside, making sure, that the zero on the scale is really on the bottom of the jar.
So far it hadn't rained here, but 1 cm rain in out jar will correlate with 1 liter per square meter of rain.

A thermometer is difficult to built therefor we took a simple one from the drugstore....

Friedrich would love to have a hygrometer as well, but I first have to look into that topic if and how to build one....

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